OxyPowerPack 2.0

August 27, 2020
Posted by Emmanuel under 

OxyPowerPack 2.0 is the first major release deployed with our new release scheme. It includes minor changes and a huge one:

  • Updated the icon and logo to reflect the new branding.
  • Fixed a bug related to the WP API that was causing troubles to load the OxyPowerPack drawer in some installations.
  • New element: Power Form.

Power Form allows you to use the power of Oxygen Builder to design contact forms and to customize every aspect, including their fields. With OxyPowerPack you don't need to install any other forms plugin to create contact forms.

Power Forms could be a bit hard to start with, because it adds a blank canvas where you can design your contact form from scratch, but when you get used to it, just like Oxygen, you can't live without it.

In the following hours we will be adding a few premade contact forms to the OxyPowerPack design set, as well as publishing a walkthrough video in our youtube channel.

You can download OxyPowerPack 2.0 from your account page update automatically from your WordPress site. Make sure your OxyPowerPack copy is activated in order to be able to perform automatic updates.

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