OxyPowerPack 1.0.5

December 4, 2019
Posted by Emmanuel under 

OxyPowerPack 1.0.5 is a minor release with the following fixes and improvements:

  • Bug fix: Now components with parallax speed = 0 (disabled) won't output any HTML attribute.
  • Enhancement: Cleaner UI by moving the custom attributes button to the Oxygen's Advanced tab, and the parallax button to Advanced > Effects.
  • Bug fix: Now custom attributes (and parallax, and events) work if you set them to OxyPowerPack components. It wasn't working due a limitation of the Oxygen undocumented API, fixed by inheriting the classes locally and re-implementing some functionality.
  • New feature: Text rotator. SPAN elements can be configured with an array of words or phrases and it will rotate between them, with a typewritter animation. Feature to be enhanced with more animations and other settings.

You can download it from your account page or perform an automatic update from your WordPress site. Make sure your OxyPowerPack copy is activated in order to be able to perform automatic updates.

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