OxyPowerPack v2.1

July 8, 2021
Posted by Jaswanth Chadalavada under 

We have released OxyPowerPack v2.1, Cane Corso
First named release in a very long time.

In this release we have

* Finally! Advanced Custom Fields support in PowerMaps - Now you can feed your PowerMap with locations from ACF fields. Works for a single location or multiple locations using ACF repeaters.

* Added the ability to animate any element from the Interactivity Engine using Animated.css. Previously you could only animate the element that fired the event, now you can use a selector to animate any other element.

* Added a few enhancements to the Animate.css preview area.

* Added calendar & date fields to PowerForms.* Added placeholder to some missing PowerForm fields.

* Validation for mobile and email fields in PowerForms.Auto updates should (hopefully) trigger in next couple of hours.

We are gradually making progress ⚡

Please let us know what you want us to work on,

What's coming next?

1. Walk through videos
2. Videos for use cases
3. Search within PowerMaps
4. Search and Filter plugin ( different from Search within PowerMaps )
and so many improvements.

Now you can give us inputs for the next release, or new plugins/features within OxyPowerPack ⚡here
-> https://app.productstash.io/oxypowerpack

Why Cane Corso:
Cane Corso's was once nearly extinct breed but made strong comeback and are loved by many.

We want this release to mark the beginning of our comeback and we are only going to get better from now 💪
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